MARCH 9TH, 2024

$Retire Royale Casino Brings Blockchain Gaming to Telegram

For Immediate Release

$RETIRE (SOL) and $DGNRT (ETH) announce the launch of the $Retire Royale Casino, a slot-bot casino based on blockchain technology within Telegram. The casino features the use of $RETIRE's SOLANA-based native token to allow players to enjoy a variety of table games with cryptocurrency. Players can also access games from major gaming industry providers in addition to house games exclusively featuring the $RETIRE (SOL) native token.

Players can deposit and withdraw funds using $RETIRE (SOL) tokens and other cryptocurrencies. The $Retire Royale Casino allows players to experience the thrill of casino games intertwined with cryptocurrency within Telegram, which has over 500 million monthly active users.

$RETIRE (SOL) and $DGNRT (ETH) plan to expand the $Retire Royale Casino over the coming months by adding more games, features, and cryptocurrency options including exciting tournaments and giveaways.


$RETIRE (SOL) provides an exciting SOLANA ecosystem and now featuring fun filled gaming experiences. $RETIRE's native tokens power the gambling within the $Retire Royale Casino on Telegram and greatly benefits the ecosystem with even more development coming in the following months. Holders of $Retire can expect to be favorably involved in upcoming launches. Hybrid NFTs, Tokens, NFTs, Airdrops and much more.

A big portion of the revenue from $Retire Royale Casino will be used to strengthen the $RETIRE (SOL) token in forms of buybacks, adding to LP, and holder rewards.

$DGNRT (ETH) focuses on developing decentralized applications for Telegram slot bots that utilize native tokens for in-game currency. They have partnered with top developers to provide customizable and advanced gaming suites for the market. The team enables native token gaming suite development and provides full functionality for token holders to seamlessly utilize their native tokens and greatly expand their ecosystems and adds instant utility functions to any ecosystem.

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